Wednesday, March 13, 2013

There Are Nice Strangers

Okay, I finally made a plan to organize my time.  One part of the plan was to walk daily with Sonny.  Since I just made the plan last night, I hated to cop out on it the first day.  So Sonny and I went for a walk in the neighborhood after my storytime visit at the church's dayschool.

It's a beautiful day and it felt good to walk.  I told Sonny we would walk for twenty minutes.  He said that was fine.  In fact, everything was fine until...

We were moving along at a good clip with me pulling Sonny away from what I guess was various delicious smells to him.  One truck slowly passed.  We waved and continued the walk.  Then another truck, a red one, pulled slowly to the side to make sure we were safe and then it happened.

I hit a uneven piece of road which is quite common in our neighborhood.  But what is probably not common is to see a 60-ish (my pride is a little injured so I hesitate to say my real age) go flying through the air with the phone, sunglasses (prescription) and dog leash flying in their own directions.

I did have the recollection of what a physical therapist friend had told me long ago--when you fall, roll with it.

So that is what I did.  And I ended up on my back looking up at a fuzzy sky.  (Remember, my glasses were three feet away.)  Now, here is the best part.  The young man in the red truck hopped out and asked me if I was okay.

Silly question, I thought, and replied truthfully, "No, not really."  But really I was--no blood, no bones sticking out, no facial injuries.  My next sentence was to ask him to get my dog who was standing near by probably amazed at this spectacular walk.  I don't think the walks he has with the husband includes such excitement.

Then the very, very nice young man (and nice looking I might add--I'm not that old or that blind!) helped me up and proceeded to tell me he had been a military medic.  Since I told him I had hit my elbow and knee, he checked my wrist and had me move my hand up and down (something about pressure points) to make sure my elbow was okay which it was since it didn't hurt doing those motions.  He had me do the same with my foot to check on the knee.

So I am okay.  (Well, I could always use a little sympathy!)   But I am also very impressed with the kindness of this stranger.  He could have just driven on and I could have just laid there for awhile hoping to melt into the concrete, but he was very concerned and helpful.

Indeed there are nice people in this world--even nice strangers.  Thank you kind sir.

I just hope the rest of my organizational plan goes better or a nice (good-looking stranger) is nearby to help!

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