Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reading vs Cleaning House

Last night we celebrated the husband's birthday with a dinner at our house which I didn't have to cook (thank goodness for take-out) and I didn't have to make the cake (thank goodness for the daughter who made a cake more superbly than I ever could or in fact, better than any bakery cake I've ever bought--which is what I usually do when I need a dessert) and a friend who brought a chocolate cream pie.

So, you say..."How easy that dinner party was!"  Yes, I agree and no, you don't know the whole story.  When I know I'm having company, I get into the "clean it up, YaYa" mode as the grandson would say.  That mode really comes from my mother who always had a tidy if not very clean house.  The grandson may have gotten that gene.  I definitely hope so.

Nevertheless, I always think the house must be spotless for company--no clutter out, no old newspapers or magazines untidily sitting around, no keys (or anything else, for that matter) left on the side table where they are not suppose to live, even rearranging furniture or pictures.  Everything needs to be as "magazine-perfect" as possible. 

The husband doesn't understand that notion because he says that we live here and, of course, things are out!  He doesn't understand that I don't think everyone lives with so much mess out and he didn't have my mother expecting one to actually put away their things, dust furniture on a weekly (at least) basis, and vacuum and mop not just weekly but more like daily if there was a spill or noticeable dust bunnies or spider webs.  (Oh my--I forgot to even check for those.  Yikes.)

So that brings me to last night.  I kept my precious grandson yesterday afternoon and I am known to leave things until the last minute, so there was plenty to do yesterday.  I did get a good amount done before he arrived, but then my time was his time.

For his time, he loves books.  "Go to my room and read book, YaYa."  So we did.  That brings me to the question or dilemma presented in the title of this post--"Reading vs Cleaning."  And I must tell you reading books to that sweet feller won out hands-down! 

So, the party went on quite well with a few spots on the kitchen floor and the furniture not dusted.  I don't even care if anyone was noticing or later criticizing the state of the house.  I did the most important job I have as YaYa--I read and loved on that grandson of mine!   I think my mama would understand and agree because he is SO cute.

"Read it again, YaYa."

1 comment:

  1. If only you had been so enlightened when your children were that age! I mean about the cleaning, not the reading. Good post YaYa!
