Monday, March 25, 2013

Lucky Me!

"I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy.  Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun."  by Charles Swindoll

Life has been a lot of fun for me lately; and yes, it is because of some of my friends.   After a wonderful trip to Hawaii with my friend--my husband for 40 years, I got to go on another wonderful trip.  

Two of my close friends and I went to New Orleans for three nights last week. 

Here we are crossing into Louisiana.  Margaret was the driver and I am so glad that I didn't have to drive at all especially in New Orleans.  I was fine sitting in the backseat.  But she did it; we found our way; and it was fun.

We ate at some of the finest restaurants in New Orleans; we explored all sorts of places; we walked a million miles; we discovered many things we had not known before.  It was fun.

Becky, my other friend that went--in fact, she initiated the trip--has also been a wonderful friend for many years.  I believe our friendship started and developed through running together.  That in itself tells you how long we have been friends.  Now we do good if we walk.  (However, she looks so good that I think she must still run--maybe in the middle of the night!)

But those runs in the 80s and 90s were fantastic. They were therapeutic. We ran three miles--sometimes more. We even ran the hills. (Of course, if you run in Little Rock, you are bound to find a hill or two.) Those runs made us healthier--physically and emotionally--and closer; and they were fun. Even running is more fun with a friend.

Becky is also a phenomenal person.  (I told you I am lucky--lucky to have such good friends.)  She has a special way about her--she is funny, she remembers the details of our lives, she keeps journals about trips and turtles, she is diplomatic, she is kind, she loves to laugh, she understands, she is loyal, she is beautiful, and she is fun.

One interesting thing about Becky is her unique way of asking questions and getting answers from people--even strangers.  Because of her ability to get people to open up to her, she found out where some well-known stars live while in New Orleans; she found out many connections of people who had lived in Arkansas.

She found out for us many other things--like what makes the chandelier lights at Commanders Palace flicker as if they were lighted candles, and showed us where Paul McCartney stayed while in New Orleans years ago--details that make a trip with her particularly interesting and fun.  

Between Margaret and Becky, there is little left of New Orleans that we now don't know about.

So I am lucky; I do have a heart full of joy; and my friends do make my life a whole lot of fun.

Thank you, Becky and Margaret, for being fun friends.


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