Thursday, March 28, 2013

Do I or Don't I?

There are inevitably dilemmas that require a decision everyday.  Some are not really big or life-changing, but they are there.  So let me ask you what you would do.

When I drive through a Sonic (I've been known to do that quite often) and I throw away trash after getting my order, sometimes the trash (usually the paper covering the straw) doesn't make the trash can.  It falls to the ground.   So do you drive on or get out of the car, pick it up, and put it in the trash? 

On Sunday morning when it is rainy and cold, do you go ahead and go to church or do you stay in that cozy bed?

Do you give money to your church regularly?

Do you let someone go in front of you in the grocery line who has just an item or two?

When someone approaches you with a story of needing a little money for her grandbaby to have some food, do you hand over some cash or deny that you have any on you that day?

Well, those are just a few questions that may pop up during a day.  My answers are "No,"  "Yes," and for the rest of the questions, "Sometimes."

The last question faced me yesterday--maybe all of them would if it were Sunday and if I were still drinking my DDPs from Sonic (that's a whole other story!) and if I had stopped at Target for some "deals." 

I began deliberating these type of questions yesterday.  It all started when I was getting in the car to do a bunch of errands--post office, my flea market booth, Dollar Tree, Target--blah blah blah. You know the kind of day that was and you probably noticed the high end shopping that I do!

Nevertheless, when I was getting in the car, I saw a $10.00 bill stuck between the seat and the door. Whoopee!  There is nothing like found money. 

Anyway, I had just left Dollar Tree, when I was approached by a lady with very polite manners carrying a pizza box.  She apologized for perhaps startling me and assured me she would not hurt me, but would I be able to give her some money for her grandchild's pizza?  She only needed $14.52 more. 

Well, like I said, I had already been in Dollar Tree and had received change of $2.35 or so which I had stuck in my pocket.  So, I dug out the dollars and apologized, yes--apologized for not having more to give to her--and gave her all I had in my pocket--"Wait," I said.  "Here is some change."

She was seemingly grateful and I continued on my way.  Only after getting a few blocks away, I realized she already had the pizza, evidently, cause she had the box, so how did she get the pizza if she didn't have the money beforehand?

I seem to always have to pay before I leave a store with what I want.

So, I ask, do you give to people who approach you for a little help or not?  This time I did.  Sometimes I don't.  I can't tell you exactly what makes me choose to give or not because it's not always whether I have money in my pocket or not.

It made me think a bit about the general dilemmas one faces everyday.  I think my grandson has a good attitude right now.  If you ask him something, his answer is, "Sure do."  So sweet and positive. 

Maybe that should be my answer to some of these questions.

Let me try it out--"Sure do!" (sometimes!)

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