Sunday, March 3, 2013

Some Things Don't Change

I found this poem I wrote a couple of years ago.  It goes to show some things just don't change.  


I resolved to do better this year.
I would eat right, exercise, and think pretty thoughts.
I would get organized by February.
The house would be clean.
The fridge purged of lean cuisune.
The laundry washed, dried and put away
All in a single day.
The closets would be straight
And I wouldn’t even stay up late.
I’d read—not watch crime
And I’d do better with my time.

But April is now descending upon me.
And I wonder how this could be.
The house is topsy-turvy.
The laundry needs to be done.
The vacuum run,
And the closets are screaming for help.
Even the maid who was heaven sent
Has now given me up for Lent.

But the year isn’t over.
There is time left.
Surely I can find a solution.
So let it be said
While I’m in my right head
I will not make any more resolutions.

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