Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I've always admired people who can juggle--balls, batons, whatever.  And I've admired even more those people that can juggle a lot of jobs or activities.  I think the word for it today is multitasking.

I've been multitasking for awhile since my "retirement," and I have come to the conclusion that I don't like it.  Maybe it is because I'm not good at it.  My idea of retirement was to play, read, do my crafts, and most importantly, keep the grandbaby--all at my leisure.

Of course, I didn't factor in doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen every day, vacuuming, (forget the dusting--it always gets pushed to the last thing to try to get done for company).  I guess I never really liked factoring those chores in.  When the girls caught me in a rush cleaning the house, they would always ask, "Who's coming over, Mom?" And sometimes I was just cleaning and no one was coming over.  Honest!

So, now I'm still supposed to do those chores although my husband pitches in some--well, a lot.  But I really would just like to keep the kiddo, do my creative stuff, manage the flea market booth, find bargains for my booth, go on trips, read, and write.  I can't quite figure out how to do all of that and the dreadful household necessities.

So, I ask you to guess which things I do first.  You are so right if you said keep the grandson and do the creative things.  So that always leaves me in a tizzy to get the dreadful chores done.

When I was growing up, my father traveled all week--leaving early Monday and sometimes not getting back until Saturday night.  When it was the day he was coming home, Mom always got us four  kids in high gear to get the house all clean.  Actually, the house was cleaner than mine on any given day.  She was an excellent manager because she didn't just keep the house clean, she cooked meals--no take-outs--she sewed for all of us, she worked at different stores, and I even caught her reading books!

Maybe it is genetic and I just didn't get that gene.  Of course, she also started her day early and didn't sit down much during the day or night.

Blast it all, I hate it when I figure out an answer to my situation and it requires something like getting up early, keeping to a plan, not putting things off, etc.  Is there a pill for all of that???

Probably not.  So I guess I'll practice my juggling.  Wish me luck or at least call me before you come over.  I can get a lot of chores done in 10 minutes if I have to!

Uh-oh, there's only 20 minutes before grandbaby gets here.  Gotta go!

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