Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's a Birthday Day!

Wow!  I see that I have not sat down at the computer to write for 2 weeks.  My blog has certainly missed not just one wagonload of day but I think about 14 days!  I can't even think why.  Oh, now I remember.  At least for one week:  COMPANY!  Last week we had company almost every day of the week.  And this week the birthday daughter is here for a few days!  Yay!

Now you have to understand that having company is wonderful to me (after they get here. Before they arrive, I do all the stuff most sane people do daily or at least weekly--like clean).  This happens especially with new guests that haven't seen our house or for those who haven't seen our house in its natural state.  When the girls were little and would see me cleaning like a mad woman, they would ask, "Momma, who is coming over?"  They knew something was up.  And they were right.  Company would be coming!

But, of course, that's not a bad thing.  Getting the house all nice and clean feels great.  I do think after each of these manic cleaning episodes that I will change my habits.  I make a chart; I buy a new book on how to stay organized;  or I google it.  I promise myself that I will do a little everyday so that the house always looks presentable if not clean.  Blah, blah, blah!

But the birthday girl is the focus today!  I have already made a cake (in my books, that means I opened a cake mix and followed the directions!)  But this time I got a little creative and added chocolate chips in the mix.  Do you think that will taste right?   I hope so cause it's a done deal.  To make sure that we would have something for dessert, I bought some Yarnell Ice Cream.  So if the cake is a flop, we can have the ice cream.  Or if the cake is a flop, maybe the ice cream will cover it up.

Nevertheless, let me tell you how creative this daughter is.  Actually, all three of my daughters are artistic.  But since it is her birthday, let me brag on her a bit.  She can sew!  Now in my mind that says it all.  She can figure out how much material is needed, how the direction of the material should be; she can read patterns; and she can actually have whatever she is working on turn out to be what she had planned!  Brilliant!

Actually, she is really brilliant in lots of areas.  It is amazing.  She is amazing.  And I hope she has an amazing day, an amazing year.  And since she is still in bed, I will have to say that she has let an amazing number of wagonloads of day go by but, after all, it is her birthday!  Happy Birthday, Sweetie. 


1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful tribute to a brilliant daughter. Happy Birthday young lady!!
