Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Being Grandmother

Grandbabies!  Amazing.  Need I say more?  No, but I will.

Never did I truly believe why a grandmother would gush on about her little grandchild.  I have three darling, smart, and loving daughters but even when they were babies, I never felt the need to constantly tell people how cute they were or make strangers look at the latest pictures of them.  (I do sometimes now have a desire that flickers through me to show some stranger my grandson's picture.  I'm sure it would make them very happy and probably amazed to see such a cutie and it would probably improve their lives!  I want to say, "Look at how cute he is in that hat!  Oh, And look at him in the sandbox."

Since I worked with babies and preschoolers for 25 years, I have always thought that they were fun and funny, but honestly!  And there were stories that have become classic from my experience with these children--like the little 3 year old who urgently raised her hand and stopped her teacher during circle time and asked, "Can we talk about me now?" 

So when people would tell me that having grandchildren was such a wonderful experience, I would politely agree.  (yeah, yeah--I would think!  I've seen and been with these grandchildren for a long time and they are cute but...)

Besides, my life was busy as it was.  Working, having fun with friends, doing things with my grown-up daughters, traveling with my husband.  Life was just fine.  I never pressured any daughter to hurry and have a baby. (I don't think I did.)  I wanted one when they wanted one.  (After all, I am a modern liberated woman--hear me roar!)

Well, 16 months ago, all of my neutral feelings about grandchildren changed.   My little grandson arrived in my life and I must say, as a friend described, he was/is the "cutest boy in the whole United States!" 

Yes, he has me smitten!  I love holding him; playing with him; following him around; strolling with him; reading to him.  Anything and everything.   Not only is he so very pretty with those big blue eyes and blond curls, but he is probably the smartest baby ever. And I am not prejudiced at all!

With this sweet child, the wagon loads of day have passed quickly.  It's was just a minute ago when he was a 9 lb. newborn and now he is so tall and inquisitive, babbling, pointing, laughing and learning new words daily!  I am so thrilled to be able to watch him grow and be a part of his life.  And be a gushy grandmother.

Loads of days are going by fast with that little fellow.  I know that there will be a time when going to a friend's house is more appealing to him than going to see grandparents, so I hope to value each wagon load now and pray I see many many of them! 

One more enamored granny!

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