Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cleaning Day, Interrupted

Getting out of bed in the morning was never my strong suit.  Why I thought hitting the snooze button for 9 more minutes would make a difference, I don't know.  Even hitting it 2 or 3 times in the long run didn't help that much.  So the fact that I now rarely even set my phone's alarm is strange.  I know, Mama, you are smiling in heaven seeing that I'm awake before hardly any loads of day have gone by.

Is that what happens when one ages???  (I'll have to google it and see!)

Friday was one of those days.  I was up with my "to do list" already in my head (and, no, the ATTIC didn't even make that list.)

But I was motivated.  It was my goal while my grandson was out of town to get lots of chores done.  I was straightening which always for me involves rearranging something, so I did; plus, vacuuming, mopping know the routine--except for maybe the rearranging part.   I understand from my family and friends not everyone does that when cleaning!  hmmm!

Then the call came.  "Would you please substitute this afternoon?" My good friend who is still a preschool director had that clear tone of desperation I knew so well from my own preschool director days!  "Sure," I replied and put the mop away.  (Okay, I admit--I was kinda thrilled to put the mop away!)

After throwing some decent clothes on and putting my face on, I headed to "work."  And there I was in charge of 6 two and three year olds.  I supervised their eating lunch, their playing on the playground and then their naps.  I considered my afternoon as a substitute successful as I didn't lose anyone, no one got hurt on the playground, and 1/4 of them actually took a nap.  (I know you are doing the math;  I just thought 1/4 sounded better than 2!)

Plans changed Friday.  Often plans change.  That can be a good thing, too.  The wagonloads of day go by one by one and being open to change creates interesting days.

This was an interesting day!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you think the way you think. I love your mind!! You are a good friend and a great writer!
