Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Best of Intentions

First, I must admit, the attic did not get any attention.  I meant to do it.  I really did.  But little did I know the phone would ring and a friend would invite me to come over for a cup of coffee.  Well, the cup must have been very big because I stayed for 3 hours.  Then "while I was out," (you've heard that before I'm sure) I ran by a couple of stores. 

I did make it back home and up into the attic to put away my suitcase from our weekend trip.  Being up there would surely put me in the right frame of mind to get started.  But while putting the suitcase in the attic closet, I happened to look in a plastic box.  Now exactly what did I put in this box that says, "ATTIC?"  More clothes?  Maybe some that are springy and fun and maybe even new?  Or maybe some other summer shoes?

Oh boy!  It was better than clothes or shoes.  It was a box of treasures!  I found one of my many boxes of props I used in my storytimes at the library.  These will be perfect to play with that precious grandson of mine!  I had been looking for these puppets, farm animals, and stuffed animals for awhile.  Who would have thought they would have been living in the cedar lined attic closet!

I started picking out a few of the treasures to take downstairs and what do you know but the phone rings again.  The phone happened to be in my pocket so I didn't have to run down the narrow stairs and risk life and limb as my husband is afraid I'm going to do.

I answered and another good friend whom I haven't seen much since the move back asked if I wanted to go....Actually, that was all I needed to hear.  "Of course," I said barely letting her finish her sentence.  So off I go.  (Some people have said my middle name ought to be "Go."  They could be right.  I love to go.)

Needless to say, the attic didn't get the attention I have been planning for it.  The plan, when and if it happens, is going to be so neat, so organized.  There will be a section for Christmas decorations, a section for other seasonal things, a section for the camping gear that is used once in a blue moon and not by me,  a section for my art, a section for my props, etc.  Of course, it will be in alphabetical order too.  (The ole library habits remain.)  Plus, all the boxes will be opened and examined.  Maybe I'll find our land line phone.

Well, sadly, all but one of the boxes still remain untouched, waiting patiently for another day.  But you know, in thinking about it, they don't seem unhappy in their present arrangement; and I can go downstairs, close the door, and forget them for awhile longer.  A good job for another day! 

My conclusion:  it doesn't matter what your intentions are or whether you do them or not, the wagonloads of days always go by.


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