Friday, May 25, 2012


Have you ever noticed that almost every magazine on the stands have a new article about clutter--"How to De-Clutter Your House, Your Office, Your Life," etc.  And yes, I have bought most of them.  There is bound to be something in those magazines that will totally 100% change my life and take care of the clutter.  I might add that I really would like for the magazine article to do it just by being in my house.

My husband thinks our home has too much clutter.  I look around for the clutter and, yes, I see his socks on the floor, his shoes in the den, his office a disaster area and I agree with him.  He is RIGHT! This house is cluttered!  Then I look around and see my beautiful, decorative, collectibles items which I do NOT consider clutter.  They are items of beauty that enhance the house, add a touch of class, show that the house is "decorated."  They definitely are not clutter!

Okay, so it is obvious that we have a little problem of communication.  (Let me quickly add, that this is the only area ever that we have a disagreement about except for, maybe, just about anything!!!)

So, I decided to look up the word in the dictionary.  (I used the online dictionary; I couldn't find the actual dictionary book!)  And this is what I found:

"clut·ter  [kluht-er] 

verb (used with object) 
1. to fill or litter with things in a disorderly manner: All kinds of papers cluttered the top of his desk.

Then an ad on "How to Get Organized."  Then British usages.  Then:
5.  a disorderly heap or assemblage; litter: It's impossible to find anything in all this clutter.
6.  a state or condition of confusion."
So, there.   Obviously, if our home is "cluttered," it is not because of all my beautiful things!  These things are displayed in the most orderly manner; I can find them at any moment; they do not present a state or condition of confusion.  They look very orderly, stately, enlightened.

Case closed!

Well, the wagons are pulling those loads of day right past me at this very moment, so I better go attack the clutter!


1 comment:

  1. That was very insightful! I now have a new outlook on my own KLUHT-UR! There is a solution for us....we just need more shelves.
