It's been a few wagon loads of years, not days, since I had been on a swing and let me tell you, it was glorious. Why was I on a swing today? Well, we were invited to join grandson and his parents for a play date at the park. (Play date--new terminology for me but doesn't it make it sound so special! When I was growing up, I didn't have play dates and even as a teen had few dates at all. Maybe that's why I like the term.)
Anyway, we were meeting at this new park near our homes. It is fantastic and a treat for kids of all ages (even 60 somethings!)
One section had water jetting vertically and then suddenly horizontally. Then it would stop and start in another area. It was hilariously fun if you didn't mind getting wet and especially if you didn't mind getting wet unexpectedly.
Another part had some tube slides, climbing ropes, tunnels, and a small rock climbing wall. Then there were the swings. Who can resist a swing? Baby boy and I got on and had a fun, gentle ride. I must admit I think I enjoyed it more than he did, but he didn't cry or scream (with terror or delight); he just held on tight. After a short ride, we stopped and he and his mama went back to the water fun.
However, I overheard my wonderful son-in-law say how good it felt to swing high and use those muscles. Hmmm, I thought for a minute. I'm in to exercise and using muscles! So I hopped back on the swing and started to swing with a grand pump of my legs.
With each pump, I became younger and younger. The air would blow through my hair; I was back in elementary school. I was flying. I was free! I leaned way back and would see the blue sky coming closer. I must say I was swinging higher and higher than my son-in-law did. (At least in my
imagination.) The fact that we weren't in sync might explain my proud
declaration. I'm sure he saw me touch the tall tree branches. I said I
did anyway.
Then I asked him if he used to jump out of the swing while in the air. Being a manly man, he admitted that he used to do it all the time and I don't doubt it. So I said, "Yes, I did too! Wasn't it fun!" Now I am wondering if I really did. Was I that brave as a young child? I don't know but I was brave today. I suddenly declared that I was going to JUMP. No fear, no doubts or second-thoughts. After all, I was ten years old and could do anything!!!
I did let the swing die down just a bit before my dismount. There was never a question in my mind that I couldn't or shouldn't do this. You just let go and let gravity do the rest. No big deal. Just like riding a never forget how. (One small fact...I never learned to ride a bike!)
Anyway, I did it. I let go and flew gloriously through the air and all too quickly landed...on my back. I think I had forgotten, after all, how to do this. I don't believe the dismount was a 10 like I had planned and imagined. My sweet son-in-law jumped seconds after me (landing upright for heavens sake) and hurried to see if I were okay. He said he was trying to jump before I did so just in case I needed help, he would be there...Whoever would think I needed help? But I did need his help--his help for me to quit laughing and grab his hands so he could pull me upright!
So the dismount wasn't so great or so artful. It certainly wasn't a 10! But sometimes you gotta just let go and give something a try.
Nothing is broken; nothing is hurting, not even my pride. It was fun. I'm just glad my husband did not see it or you would already have seen it on Facebook long before anymore wagon loads of day could go by!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Have you ever noticed that almost every magazine on the stands have a new article about clutter--"How to De-Clutter Your House, Your Office, Your Life," etc. And yes, I have bought most of them. There is bound to be something in those magazines that will totally 100% change my life and take care of the clutter. I might add that I really would like for the magazine article to do it just by being in my house.
My husband thinks our home has too much clutter. I look around for the clutter and, yes, I see his socks on the floor, his shoes in the den, his office a disaster area and I agree with him. He is RIGHT! This house is cluttered! Then I look around and see my beautiful, decorative, collectibles items which I do NOT consider clutter. They are items of beauty that enhance the house, add a touch of class, show that the house is "decorated." They definitely are not clutter!
Okay, so it is obvious that we have a little problem of communication. (Let me quickly add, that this is the only area ever that we have a disagreement about except for, maybe, just about anything!!!)
So, I decided to look up the word in the dictionary. (I used the online dictionary; I couldn't find the actual dictionary book!) And this is what I found:
verb (used with object)
1. to fill or litter with things in a disorderly manner: All kinds of papers cluttered the top of his desk.
Then an ad on "How to Get Organized." Then British usages. Then:
My husband thinks our home has too much clutter. I look around for the clutter and, yes, I see his socks on the floor, his shoes in the den, his office a disaster area and I agree with him. He is RIGHT! This house is cluttered! Then I look around and see my beautiful, decorative, collectibles items which I do NOT consider clutter. They are items of beauty that enhance the house, add a touch of class, show that the house is "decorated." They definitely are not clutter!
Okay, so it is obvious that we have a little problem of communication. (Let me quickly add, that this is the only area ever that we have a disagreement about except for, maybe, just about anything!!!)
So, I decided to look up the word in the dictionary. (I used the online dictionary; I couldn't find the actual dictionary book!) And this is what I found:
"clut·ter [kluht-er]
1. to fill or litter with things in a disorderly manner: All kinds of papers cluttered the top of his desk.
Then an ad on "How to Get Organized." Then British usages. Then:
5. a disorderly heap or assemblage; litter: It's impossible to find anything in all this clutter.
6. a state or condition of confusion."
So, there. Obviously, if our home is "cluttered," it is not because of all my beautiful things! These things are displayed in the most orderly manner; I can find them at any moment; they do not present a state or condition of confusion. They look very orderly, stately, enlightened.
Case closed!
Well, the wagons are pulling those loads of day right past me at this very moment, so I better go attack the clutter!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
90 Years Ago
Ahh! Do you ever get over missing your parents? Mama would have been 90 today. She died at 84; 6 years ago and I still miss her every day.
About this time of the year when I am thinking about what to get my first born for her birthday which was yesterday, I always think about what I would have bought for mom. I think back on that day before mom's birthday 35 years ago and feel giving her another grandbaby (her 8th out of 10) was an excellent gift. (Now that I am a grandmother, I realize how special that was for her. I'm sure if I ever have 8 or 2, I will be thrilled. It doesn't even have to be close to my own birthday!)
But I remember telling mom that Sunday morning after a long night of labor and finally delivering that sweet little 8 lb baby that I wished they would have been born on the same day. But what I really meant and said was I wished mom had been born on the 22nd instead of the 23rd because I didn't want to go through that experience again. (And I didn't--until 2 years later!) No words or advice about labor and delivery mean a darn thing until you go through it! And then you forget, I guess.
A new grandchild was a special gift. But mom gave us all many, many gifts. Most importantly, she gave us the gift of life and taught us how to live it.
She was a strong woman; she raised 4 children while dad's job required him to travel often six days a week. She kept the family fires going; she actually cooked us hot breakfasts each morning, packed lunches for us if we wanted them; she cooked dinner every night (no drive-throughs or take-outs--how did she do it?) and had us all cleaning up the kitchen afterwards (no dishwashers at that time). She made us girls beautiful outfits; she taught us how to iron (yuck); she instilled in us a love and respect for each other (yay); she taught us to say our prayers and to say, "I love you."
She praised us (double yay). I still remember how she and my sister's wonderful husband would always talk about how pretty my sister was--and still is. "She's such a pretty girl," one or the other would say! She led us by example.
Oh, yeah, she was a disciplinarian as well. Okay, some of us needed it more than others, but the lessons were learned. She was able to get us all to work together and get our chores done. Sometimes the chores were put in a jar and we "got" to draw the chore out. Then when we got that one done--guess what? We got to draw another chore. I must admit I didn't think that was such a fun game, but she got it to work.
When I tried it on my own family, somehow I think I ended up not only drawing out the chores but doing them as well. Like I said, she was amazing and as one of my sisters has stated she could have managed any company of any size. I agree.
And she was funny. She would tell us stories of her and daddy "courting" and how she "chased him til he caught her!" She was fun. She was known to do some pranks on us and on some of her friends. She and a friend made matching baby outfits for Halloween to go trick or treating on another crazy friend. She had me believe one April Fool's day that an outfit she was ironing for me to wear that day had a hole in it. Oh how sad I was but confused because I couldn't see it!
She loved her husband and her family dearly. On her and dad's sixtieth anniversary, my brother described her perfectly when he said in part, "From my mom I learned how to love unconditionally..."
She did; he does; all her children do. We all received that gift from her. What a gift! What a woman! What a mother!
There have been way too many wagon loads of day gone by since she was here with us.
I miss her.
About this time of the year when I am thinking about what to get my first born for her birthday which was yesterday, I always think about what I would have bought for mom. I think back on that day before mom's birthday 35 years ago and feel giving her another grandbaby (her 8th out of 10) was an excellent gift. (Now that I am a grandmother, I realize how special that was for her. I'm sure if I ever have 8 or 2, I will be thrilled. It doesn't even have to be close to my own birthday!)
But I remember telling mom that Sunday morning after a long night of labor and finally delivering that sweet little 8 lb baby that I wished they would have been born on the same day. But what I really meant and said was I wished mom had been born on the 22nd instead of the 23rd because I didn't want to go through that experience again. (And I didn't--until 2 years later!) No words or advice about labor and delivery mean a darn thing until you go through it! And then you forget, I guess.
A new grandchild was a special gift. But mom gave us all many, many gifts. Most importantly, she gave us the gift of life and taught us how to live it.
She was a strong woman; she raised 4 children while dad's job required him to travel often six days a week. She kept the family fires going; she actually cooked us hot breakfasts each morning, packed lunches for us if we wanted them; she cooked dinner every night (no drive-throughs or take-outs--how did she do it?) and had us all cleaning up the kitchen afterwards (no dishwashers at that time). She made us girls beautiful outfits; she taught us how to iron (yuck); she instilled in us a love and respect for each other (yay); she taught us to say our prayers and to say, "I love you."
She praised us (double yay). I still remember how she and my sister's wonderful husband would always talk about how pretty my sister was--and still is. "She's such a pretty girl," one or the other would say! She led us by example.
Oh, yeah, she was a disciplinarian as well. Okay, some of us needed it more than others, but the lessons were learned. She was able to get us all to work together and get our chores done. Sometimes the chores were put in a jar and we "got" to draw the chore out. Then when we got that one done--guess what? We got to draw another chore. I must admit I didn't think that was such a fun game, but she got it to work.
When I tried it on my own family, somehow I think I ended up not only drawing out the chores but doing them as well. Like I said, she was amazing and as one of my sisters has stated she could have managed any company of any size. I agree.
And she was funny. She would tell us stories of her and daddy "courting" and how she "chased him til he caught her!" She was fun. She was known to do some pranks on us and on some of her friends. She and a friend made matching baby outfits for Halloween to go trick or treating on another crazy friend. She had me believe one April Fool's day that an outfit she was ironing for me to wear that day had a hole in it. Oh how sad I was but confused because I couldn't see it!
She loved her husband and her family dearly. On her and dad's sixtieth anniversary, my brother described her perfectly when he said in part, "From my mom I learned how to love unconditionally..."
She did; he does; all her children do. We all received that gift from her. What a gift! What a woman! What a mother!
There have been way too many wagon loads of day gone by since she was here with us.
I miss her.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
It's a Birthday Day!
Wow! I see that I have not sat down at the computer to write for 2 weeks. My blog has certainly missed not just one wagonload of day but I think about 14 days! I can't even think why. Oh, now I remember. At least for one week: COMPANY! Last week we had company almost every day of the week. And this week the birthday daughter is here for a few days! Yay!
Now you have to understand that having company is wonderful to me (after they get here. Before they arrive, I do all the stuff most sane people do daily or at least weekly--like clean). This happens especially with new guests that haven't seen our house or for those who haven't seen our house in its natural state. When the girls were little and would see me cleaning like a mad woman, they would ask, "Momma, who is coming over?" They knew something was up. And they were right. Company would be coming!
But, of course, that's not a bad thing. Getting the house all nice and clean feels great. I do think after each of these manic cleaning episodes that I will change my habits. I make a chart; I buy a new book on how to stay organized; or I google it. I promise myself that I will do a little everyday so that the house always looks presentable if not clean. Blah, blah, blah!
But the birthday girl is the focus today! I have already made a cake (in my books, that means I opened a cake mix and followed the directions!) But this time I got a little creative and added chocolate chips in the mix. Do you think that will taste right? I hope so cause it's a done deal. To make sure that we would have something for dessert, I bought some Yarnell Ice Cream. So if the cake is a flop, we can have the ice cream. Or if the cake is a flop, maybe the ice cream will cover it up.
Nevertheless, let me tell you how creative this daughter is. Actually, all three of my daughters are artistic. But since it is her birthday, let me brag on her a bit. She can sew! Now in my mind that says it all. She can figure out how much material is needed, how the direction of the material should be; she can read patterns; and she can actually have whatever she is working on turn out to be what she had planned! Brilliant!
Actually, she is really brilliant in lots of areas. It is amazing. She is amazing. And I hope she has an amazing day, an amazing year. And since she is still in bed, I will have to say that she has let an amazing number of wagonloads of day go by but, after all, it is her birthday! Happy Birthday, Sweetie.
Now you have to understand that having company is wonderful to me (after they get here. Before they arrive, I do all the stuff most sane people do daily or at least weekly--like clean). This happens especially with new guests that haven't seen our house or for those who haven't seen our house in its natural state. When the girls were little and would see me cleaning like a mad woman, they would ask, "Momma, who is coming over?" They knew something was up. And they were right. Company would be coming!
But, of course, that's not a bad thing. Getting the house all nice and clean feels great. I do think after each of these manic cleaning episodes that I will change my habits. I make a chart; I buy a new book on how to stay organized; or I google it. I promise myself that I will do a little everyday so that the house always looks presentable if not clean. Blah, blah, blah!
But the birthday girl is the focus today! I have already made a cake (in my books, that means I opened a cake mix and followed the directions!) But this time I got a little creative and added chocolate chips in the mix. Do you think that will taste right? I hope so cause it's a done deal. To make sure that we would have something for dessert, I bought some Yarnell Ice Cream. So if the cake is a flop, we can have the ice cream. Or if the cake is a flop, maybe the ice cream will cover it up.
Nevertheless, let me tell you how creative this daughter is. Actually, all three of my daughters are artistic. But since it is her birthday, let me brag on her a bit. She can sew! Now in my mind that says it all. She can figure out how much material is needed, how the direction of the material should be; she can read patterns; and she can actually have whatever she is working on turn out to be what she had planned! Brilliant!
Actually, she is really brilliant in lots of areas. It is amazing. She is amazing. And I hope she has an amazing day, an amazing year. And since she is still in bed, I will have to say that she has let an amazing number of wagonloads of day go by but, after all, it is her birthday! Happy Birthday, Sweetie.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Being Grandmother
Grandbabies! Amazing. Need I say more? No, but I will.
Never did I truly believe why a grandmother would gush on about her little grandchild. I have three darling, smart, and loving daughters but even when they were babies, I never felt the need to constantly tell people how cute they were or make strangers look at the latest pictures of them. (I do sometimes now have a desire that flickers through me to show some stranger my grandson's picture. I'm sure it would make them very happy and probably amazed to see such a cutie and it would probably improve their lives! I want to say, "Look at how cute he is in that hat! Oh, And look at him in the sandbox."
Since I worked with babies and preschoolers for 25 years, I have always thought that they were fun and funny, but honestly! And there were stories that have become classic from my experience with these children--like the little 3 year old who urgently raised her hand and stopped her teacher during circle time and asked, "Can we talk about me now?"
So when people would tell me that having grandchildren was such a wonderful experience, I would politely agree. (yeah, yeah--I would think! I've seen and been with these grandchildren for a long time and they are cute but...)
Besides, my life was busy as it was. Working, having fun with friends, doing things with my grown-up daughters, traveling with my husband. Life was just fine. I never pressured any daughter to hurry and have a baby. (I don't think I did.) I wanted one when they wanted one. (After all, I am a modern liberated woman--hear me roar!)
Well, 16 months ago, all of my neutral feelings about grandchildren changed. My little grandson arrived in my life and I must say, as a friend described, he was/is the "cutest boy in the whole United States!"
Yes, he has me smitten! I love holding him; playing with him; following him around; strolling with him; reading to him. Anything and everything. Not only is he so very pretty with those big blue eyes and blond curls, but he is probably the smartest baby ever. And I am not prejudiced at all!
With this sweet child, the wagon loads of day have passed quickly. It's was just a minute ago when he was a 9 lb. newborn and now he is so tall and inquisitive, babbling, pointing, laughing and learning new words daily! I am so thrilled to be able to watch him grow and be a part of his life. And be a gushy grandmother.
Loads of days are going by fast with that little fellow. I know that there will be a time when going to a friend's house is more appealing to him than going to see grandparents, so I hope to value each wagon load now and pray I see many many of them!
One more enamored granny!
Never did I truly believe why a grandmother would gush on about her little grandchild. I have three darling, smart, and loving daughters but even when they were babies, I never felt the need to constantly tell people how cute they were or make strangers look at the latest pictures of them. (I do sometimes now have a desire that flickers through me to show some stranger my grandson's picture. I'm sure it would make them very happy and probably amazed to see such a cutie and it would probably improve their lives! I want to say, "Look at how cute he is in that hat! Oh, And look at him in the sandbox."
Since I worked with babies and preschoolers for 25 years, I have always thought that they were fun and funny, but honestly! And there were stories that have become classic from my experience with these children--like the little 3 year old who urgently raised her hand and stopped her teacher during circle time and asked, "Can we talk about me now?"
So when people would tell me that having grandchildren was such a wonderful experience, I would politely agree. (yeah, yeah--I would think! I've seen and been with these grandchildren for a long time and they are cute but...)
Besides, my life was busy as it was. Working, having fun with friends, doing things with my grown-up daughters, traveling with my husband. Life was just fine. I never pressured any daughter to hurry and have a baby. (I don't think I did.) I wanted one when they wanted one. (After all, I am a modern liberated woman--hear me roar!)
Well, 16 months ago, all of my neutral feelings about grandchildren changed. My little grandson arrived in my life and I must say, as a friend described, he was/is the "cutest boy in the whole United States!"
Yes, he has me smitten! I love holding him; playing with him; following him around; strolling with him; reading to him. Anything and everything. Not only is he so very pretty with those big blue eyes and blond curls, but he is probably the smartest baby ever. And I am not prejudiced at all!
With this sweet child, the wagon loads of day have passed quickly. It's was just a minute ago when he was a 9 lb. newborn and now he is so tall and inquisitive, babbling, pointing, laughing and learning new words daily! I am so thrilled to be able to watch him grow and be a part of his life. And be a gushy grandmother.
Loads of days are going by fast with that little fellow. I know that there will be a time when going to a friend's house is more appealing to him than going to see grandparents, so I hope to value each wagon load now and pray I see many many of them!
One more enamored granny!
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Cleaning Day, Interrupted
Getting out of bed in the morning was never my strong suit. Why I thought hitting the snooze button for 9 more minutes would make a difference, I don't know. Even hitting it 2 or 3 times in the long run didn't help that much. So the fact that I now rarely even set my phone's alarm is strange. I know, Mama, you are smiling in heaven seeing that I'm awake before hardly any loads of day have gone by.
Is that what happens when one ages??? (I'll have to google it and see!)
Friday was one of those days. I was up with my "to do list" already in my head (and, no, the ATTIC didn't even make that list.)
But I was motivated. It was my goal while my grandson was out of town to get lots of chores done. I was straightening which always for me involves rearranging something, so I did; plus, vacuuming, mopping know the routine--except for maybe the rearranging part. I understand from my family and friends not everyone does that when cleaning! hmmm!
Then the call came. "Would you please substitute this afternoon?" My good friend who is still a preschool director had that clear tone of desperation I knew so well from my own preschool director days! "Sure," I replied and put the mop away. (Okay, I admit--I was kinda thrilled to put the mop away!)
After throwing some decent clothes on and putting my face on, I headed to "work." And there I was in charge of 6 two and three year olds. I supervised their eating lunch, their playing on the playground and then their naps. I considered my afternoon as a substitute successful as I didn't lose anyone, no one got hurt on the playground, and 1/4 of them actually took a nap. (I know you are doing the math; I just thought 1/4 sounded better than 2!)
Plans changed Friday. Often plans change. That can be a good thing, too. The wagonloads of day go by one by one and being open to change creates interesting days.
This was an interesting day!
Is that what happens when one ages??? (I'll have to google it and see!)
Friday was one of those days. I was up with my "to do list" already in my head (and, no, the ATTIC didn't even make that list.)
But I was motivated. It was my goal while my grandson was out of town to get lots of chores done. I was straightening which always for me involves rearranging something, so I did; plus, vacuuming, mopping know the routine--except for maybe the rearranging part. I understand from my family and friends not everyone does that when cleaning! hmmm!
Then the call came. "Would you please substitute this afternoon?" My good friend who is still a preschool director had that clear tone of desperation I knew so well from my own preschool director days! "Sure," I replied and put the mop away. (Okay, I admit--I was kinda thrilled to put the mop away!)
After throwing some decent clothes on and putting my face on, I headed to "work." And there I was in charge of 6 two and three year olds. I supervised their eating lunch, their playing on the playground and then their naps. I considered my afternoon as a substitute successful as I didn't lose anyone, no one got hurt on the playground, and 1/4 of them actually took a nap. (I know you are doing the math; I just thought 1/4 sounded better than 2!)
Plans changed Friday. Often plans change. That can be a good thing, too. The wagonloads of day go by one by one and being open to change creates interesting days.
This was an interesting day!
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Best of Intentions
First, I must admit, the attic did not get any attention. I meant to do it. I really did. But little did I know the phone would ring and a friend would invite me to come over for a cup of coffee. Well, the cup must have been very big because I stayed for 3 hours. Then "while I was out," (you've heard that before I'm sure) I ran by a couple of stores.
I did make it back home and up into the attic to put away my suitcase from our weekend trip. Being up there would surely put me in the right frame of mind to get started. But while putting the suitcase in the attic closet, I happened to look in a plastic box. Now exactly what did I put in this box that says, "ATTIC?" More clothes? Maybe some that are springy and fun and maybe even new? Or maybe some other summer shoes?
Oh boy! It was better than clothes or shoes. It was a box of treasures! I found one of my many boxes of props I used in my storytimes at the library. These will be perfect to play with that precious grandson of mine! I had been looking for these puppets, farm animals, and stuffed animals for awhile. Who would have thought they would have been living in the cedar lined attic closet!
I started picking out a few of the treasures to take downstairs and what do you know but the phone rings again. The phone happened to be in my pocket so I didn't have to run down the narrow stairs and risk life and limb as my husband is afraid I'm going to do.
I answered and another good friend whom I haven't seen much since the move back asked if I wanted to go....Actually, that was all I needed to hear. "Of course," I said barely letting her finish her sentence. So off I go. (Some people have said my middle name ought to be "Go." They could be right. I love to go.)
Needless to say, the attic didn't get the attention I have been planning for it. The plan, when and if it happens, is going to be so neat, so organized. There will be a section for Christmas decorations, a section for other seasonal things, a section for the camping gear that is used once in a blue moon and not by me, a section for my art, a section for my props, etc. Of course, it will be in alphabetical order too. (The ole library habits remain.) Plus, all the boxes will be opened and examined. Maybe I'll find our land line phone.
Well, sadly, all but one of the boxes still remain untouched, waiting patiently for another day. But you know, in thinking about it, they don't seem unhappy in their present arrangement; and I can go downstairs, close the door, and forget them for awhile longer. A good job for another day!
My conclusion: it doesn't matter what your intentions are or whether you do them or not, the wagonloads of days always go by.
I did make it back home and up into the attic to put away my suitcase from our weekend trip. Being up there would surely put me in the right frame of mind to get started. But while putting the suitcase in the attic closet, I happened to look in a plastic box. Now exactly what did I put in this box that says, "ATTIC?" More clothes? Maybe some that are springy and fun and maybe even new? Or maybe some other summer shoes?
Oh boy! It was better than clothes or shoes. It was a box of treasures! I found one of my many boxes of props I used in my storytimes at the library. These will be perfect to play with that precious grandson of mine! I had been looking for these puppets, farm animals, and stuffed animals for awhile. Who would have thought they would have been living in the cedar lined attic closet!
I started picking out a few of the treasures to take downstairs and what do you know but the phone rings again. The phone happened to be in my pocket so I didn't have to run down the narrow stairs and risk life and limb as my husband is afraid I'm going to do.
I answered and another good friend whom I haven't seen much since the move back asked if I wanted to go....Actually, that was all I needed to hear. "Of course," I said barely letting her finish her sentence. So off I go. (Some people have said my middle name ought to be "Go." They could be right. I love to go.)
Needless to say, the attic didn't get the attention I have been planning for it. The plan, when and if it happens, is going to be so neat, so organized. There will be a section for Christmas decorations, a section for other seasonal things, a section for the camping gear that is used once in a blue moon and not by me, a section for my art, a section for my props, etc. Of course, it will be in alphabetical order too. (The ole library habits remain.) Plus, all the boxes will be opened and examined. Maybe I'll find our land line phone.
Well, sadly, all but one of the boxes still remain untouched, waiting patiently for another day. But you know, in thinking about it, they don't seem unhappy in their present arrangement; and I can go downstairs, close the door, and forget them for awhile longer. A good job for another day!
My conclusion: it doesn't matter what your intentions are or whether you do them or not, the wagonloads of days always go by.
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