Wednesday, November 5, 2014

And the Truth Will Set Me Free?

Being truthful is a good thing.  We've been taught that; we teach our children that.  But honestly, is it really?

I've had three truthful statements that have innocently been said to me in the last 24 hours.  They are very funny but I've decided that I, personally, can only handle so much truth. 

First of all, yesterday when the grandson and I were about to read some books, I found my spot on the sofa in his room.  I sat all perched ready for him to present to me the books he wanted me to read to him.  Then it happened!

He came over to me and patted my stomach and asked, "Do you have a baby in there?"  Being very aware that I have gained some weight and it all landed in my middle, I laughed and replied, "No.  There's no baby in there, but it does look like it, doesn't it?"  Well, that wasn't the end of it.  He started kneading my tummy saying, "Yes, there's a baby in there.  I can feel it."  At that point, I grabbed a book.

Good thing he is only three and as his expecting mother explained, "Oh, don't take it personally, he does that to himself, too."  Easy for her to say--she is 5 months  pregnant and I just look like I am.

Okay, I can handle it.  It was funny.  However, I did pass on the cinnamon rolls while ago when I went through Sonic for some tea (unsweetened, of course).

A three year old can get away with saying things, but how do I explain this next "misspeak."  I had lunch with two of my friends that I hadn't seen in awhile.  One just celebrated her 50th birthday yesterday and was in town on business.  The other friend I worked with in my preschool era. 

As usual, the "how-are-you-doing" comments started up and the general inquiries of work, retirement, quickly followed with the  "oh-you-look-great" comments that we all are so good at saying.  Honestly, what are you going to say, "My goodness, you have really aged."

But then, in the conversation about work, retirement, grandchildren, my work friend threw into the conversation, "I am older than Leta" at which my younger friend replied without skipping a beat (and obviously without thinking), "You're kidding.  Really?"  Once again, I started laughing and she then realized what she had said.  "Oh, I didn't say that right, did I?  You both look great!"   Too late!

Okay, a three year old can get away with saying things because of his age, but a 50 year old?  Oh, now that I think about it, maybe a 50 year old is in the same boat.  Remember, when we were 50?  Mere children.

This would be an excellent time for the husband, or a friend, or anyone to pipe in a compliment to help boost me back up.  Too bad no one was around, but wait...I just remembered--when I left to go to meet my friends for lunch dressed in my skinny jeans, cute jacket, tall boots with heels, no less, and with make-up on, the Mexican yard man did say, "You look pretty today."  SO THERE!

I feel better now.  And it's a good thing because this morning I got another one of those compliments that leave you wondering and laughing.  I had an 8:30 eye appointment--a recheck for my recent cataract surgery which is quite ironic now after telling you the previous story.  Nevertheless, a cute and young little nurse or aid or helper of some kind, called my name, "LEEETA," and I rose to go back to the examining room.

As I was crossing the reception area of the office, she paid me a compliment--Yay!  Smile, smile.  She said, "I like your jacket."  I replied sweetly, "Why, thank you" (feeling good).  Then she continued, "I used to have jackets like that but I gave them all away when they went out of style.  I wish I had kept them!"  I kid you not.  Those were the words that came out of her mouth. 

Of course, I laughed and replied, "When you get old and you have kept all your cute jackets, then you can wear them again when they come back."  Weak, I know, but what can you say.  I know I have had this jacket awhile, but now I'm in a quandary--do I put this jacket in the Goodwill box or hang it back in my closet?  After all, there are no holes in it and it is evidently coming back in style.

It will probably go back in the closet with all the other cute jackets.  Or maybe I should just have a huge yard sale for all those clothes that have been in my closet for awhile (like years). 

Yes, then with all the money I make (haha), I will get a tummy tuck and a face lift.  Better schedule that yard sale quickly, or maybe you guys can send donations--I don't know if my self-esteem can handle much more TRUTH!

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