Saturday, August 24, 2013

Old Friends and Old Friends Long Gone

Tonight I got to see some old friends and some old friends long gone.  The church celebrates its Centennial this weekend with a various activities planned--drop in reception, dinner tonight, and special worship service tomorrow to name a few.

We attended the dinner.  That was where we first got to connect with some friends.  I got to see those friends we usually just see on Sundays.  And I got to see one of my favorite people, Milly.  She has not been able to get to church for awhile but special efforts were made for her to get there tonight.

She looked beautiful.  I could tell that this was an important occasion for her and she wanted to look her best.  (I understand that--I just put on and took off 3 outfits trying to find one that I liked for tonight.)  Her hair looked lovely and the smile on her face lit the room.

Milly is one of the church members whose example I treasure.  I remember (there was a lot of remembering going on tonight) her always being at church.  She faithfully attended Wednesday nights as well as Sunday mornings.  That in and of itself is worthwhile but she would also have her young granddaughters in tow.  Wow!  She did this from the time they were toddlers.  She knew the importance of being in church so she made sure those little girls were too.  Because of her, they grew up in the church.

Then I saw a girlfriend I hadn't seen in probably twenty years or so.  We had gone to a NLR church together at the age of 5 and 6.  She was a year older than me, but we spent many an afternoon together.  We also attended Ouachita together.  We lost contact with each other for several years and then, lo and behold, one weekend when I went to visit my parents in Fort Smith, I discovered that she and her husband and children lived just a few houses down the street from my parents.

Time went on.  My friend moved; my parents moved.  I hadn't seen her since, I don't believe.  But I saw her tonight!  It was great to catch up on her life.  I have such fond memories of our friendship.

At the end of a delightful program highlighting the events over the last 100 years, there was a slide show.   Some current church members--our friends--gave their reflections of the church.  There were funny stories told; there were poignant testimonies shared.  There was strength in their stories--the strength that this church needs now with enough to survive the future.

Then there were those slides from earlier generations--more friends--but long gone.  These old friends had been pillars of this church.  There was strength in their faces.  They had grit.  They had courage.  They had skills. They had love and pride in their church. They provided what the church needed--some did the unseen things, the repairs, the care of the building; some were the teachers, the nursery workers;  some were leaders in the community who had the courage to fight for civil rights.

They all were the backbone of the church; they lived their faith so loudly that the neighborhoods wanted to be a part of this church.  It was the glory days of this church.

Time has changed the church in many ways.  The pews aren't always filled; the dress is no longer your Sunday best; the songs are sometimes different.  But the friends are there.  Friends long gone are there in their supportive spirits.  Love is there.

Tomorrow is Sunday.  Those friends will be there.  I'll be there as well.

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