Saturday, October 27, 2012

She Can Do It All

(I wrote this post a few weeks ago and then I thought it went to cyber heaven.  How glad I was when I found it today!)

Yes, I know.  It's been several wagon loads of days since I have set down here to share some of my thoughts.   Now, if I were my friend who can do it all, posting my blog would have been done long before the wagon load of day even thought about crossing the sky a month ago.

It's hard to believe a month has gone by and a lot of great things have occurred during the month.  But today my thoughts are about my friend, Margaret, who can really and truly do it all.

I am sure that you know a person who can cook up a storm, or one (surely there are not too many) who even cleans her house from top to bottom--maybe even the baseboards--on a regular basis (ugh!) and maybe you even know one who irons the sheets, or one that can sew a bedspread or curtains or both in the same day.  Or one that has her own tool belt and knows how to use the tools.

But how many women can you think of that can do all of the above?   Plus play bridge?   And keep a beautiful garden?   And knows how to enjoy a glass of wine?  And enjoys laughing?  And can create a gourmet meal in a few minutes?  I could go on and on.

Margaret is that kind of person.  She is a hundred pounds of ability and she goes a hundred miles an hour each day.  (Hmmmm-it just dawned on me--maybe if I went at that speed I might get more done.  But then again, can I go at that speed even if I tried?  I don't think so.)

You don't find many like her.  In fact, I would say that Margaret is one of a kind.  She not only is so talented in the ways mentioned, she is also so helpful.  When she sees where she can help, she does.  (And since I usually need lots of help, I love having her around!)

Now here is the best thing about my friend for thirty-five or so years...she loves me and my family.

The fact that she loves my daughters, my sons-in-law, and our grandson means more than the best gourmet meal she can prepare (and let me tell you there have been many of those!)  She even loves my husband.  (They are both very smart and try to outsmart each other on a regular basis.  Fun to watch!)

In fact, there have been so many fun times with her and our husbands over the years including vacations to Florida, tennis matches, Trivia Pursuit matches (that ages us, doesn't it?), Mountain View trips, and many dinners and nights out.  The memories make me smile and the jokes and laughter between us fill my heart with gladness.

How lucky I am to have such a friend.  When she's around, the wagon loads of day are definitely better.

Thanks, my friend who can do it all.  You are a treasure.

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