Saturday, October 27, 2012


A little bit of winter crept its way into the wagon load of day this morning.  Just a touch to remind us that soon we won't be seeing the beautiful leaves turning colors nor even the leaves on the trees.  Of course we all know that Arkansas winters are fickle.  The middle of December can produce a day much like  this--crisp but sunny. 

But change is definitely in the air.   Change manifests itself in many ways and it's not only in the seasons. 

Today it is the moving truck outside our neighbor's home.   I knew this day was coming for a couple of months but I wasn't ready for it.  It has produced a sense of sorrow for me.  The sorrow is for a lost opportunity.  She has been my neighbor for 6 months and I have visited with her only a handful of times.  I am sorry for that and told her so today as I gave her a goodbye hug. 

We could have been good friends; we could have enjoyed going out to dinner and sharing a bottle of wine.  We could have started our day with a cup of coffee together and encouraged each other to do the things on our lists for the day. It would have been fun to have a real neighbor that I honestly knew not just waved to while passing. 

So as I watch the boxes being loaded and soon the truck pulling away, change is taking place.  Will I take this unwanted change and learn from it?  Will I seize opportunities as they come my way and embrace them?  Will I make the effort next time before it is too late? 

Will I change?

The answer I guess will be found in the next few wagon loads of day.  I hope so.

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