Tuesday, May 28, 2013

All Through the House, Not a Creature Was Stirring except...

Sleeping clip art It's 2:00 a.m.  The husband is sleeping soundly in the bed.  The dog is comfy in his bed.  There is that rhythmic heavy breathing from the husband or the dog.  I'm not sure which.  Nevertheless, I wish I were a part of that melody.  But no.  It isn't happening for me tonight. 

It's been quite awhile since I have had such a night.  But tonight my legs are jumping, kicking, and being a total nuisance.  I haven't missed this one bit. 

It is so frustrating to go to bed and then have this cruel trick played on you.  You do all the prep work to go to bed--jammies on, the face cleaned, the teeth brushed, the creams applied--all routine.  Then you snuggle under the covers, start to drift off to sleep as planned and then it happens...a twinge in the legs begins.  Don't think about it, I admonish.  Keep thinking about that cozy bed.  Relax.  Go to sleep.  Count backwards. 

Shortly there is another twinge, then another, and then they become more than a twinge--they kick like a pony; they move like pedaling a bike; they cause my whole body to jump; and they refuse to let me ignore them.  I can't keep the legs still. 

After fighting it and realizing that sleep is not coming, I get up and take a hot bath.  That usually relaxes me so much that I am able to stumble back to bed and finally go to sleep.  

But not tonight.  So I do the only thing left to do to get relief--I walk.  And walk.  And walk.  The path is rather short--down the hall, through the living room, through the dining room, through the kitchen, back to the hall, and over and over I go.   So why tonight?  Why does my RLS kick in so dramatically now?  Not sure.  (Maybe the mojitos??  Naw, surely not.  It was a celebration for Memorial Day.  And it was only one and half.)  Like I said, this hasn't happened in a long time, thank goodness.  But it certainly messes up my plans for tomorrow--I have a feeling that when I do get to sleep, I won't feel like getting up early and finishing the cleaning for my out of town daughters to come.

But then again, I'm sure that the ingrained Strother attitude of getting everything done will kick in with or without sleep.   I can almost bet on it.

Wow!  It's really getting late (or early).  It is now 4:15 a.m.  You know, I actually may see the first  wagon load of day being pulled across the sky this morning.  I would prefer to be asleep.  Oh well.

My head is nodding again.  My legs seem to have calmed down.  Maybe it's time.  I hope.   See you when the sun comes up.    

Good night.  (I hope.)

PS--I guess my brain was foggier than I thought.  I didn't push the "publish" button before going to bed (and BTW--the rest of the nighttime hours were spent not sleeping either.  Good news though--I did get a lot of work done.  Bad news--my brain is still foggy!)