Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This week I visited my favorite yellow lab.  She has missed me, but really enjoys being in California.  I don't blame her! :)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Vacation Packing

Yep, I'm going on my own little vacation.  Well, it's not exactly an "all by myself" type vacation (although I have done that; and it, too, is fun).  But this time I am driving all by myself to see my Texas daughter and then flying all by myself to see my California daughter.  I am so excited.

I love trips of any kind, but trips that include fun people and fun places are the best, right?

So that leads to today's thoughts.  I gotta pack.  That should not be a problem.  I have one sister that packs so well that everything in her suitcase has its place and nothing goes in her suitcase or comes out of the suitcase wrinkled.  Then, on the other hand, I have another sister who packs like me, she says, but I know she is much better at it than I am.

This is my method.  I make a list of what I will take and how I can interchange the tops and bottoms.  Little lines connect the possibilities.  Sometimes I even try on the different outfits to see if they look as good as I thought they did.  (Darn those extra 5 pounds!)  But I do feel so organized looking at my list.  I know exactly what I plan to wear and when I'll probably wear it, but then it hits me...what if.....That is when I decide I'd better throw in a few extras, just in case.

As I go through my closet and chests to find the items on my list plus those few extras, I see other possibilities.  I can't go without that tank top or certainly a white shirt is a must--so versatile.  Oh my, I had totally forgotten about that cute little top.
Yes, I realize that I take too many clothes.  Plus, I realize that you don't have to have new clothes for a trip, but I really love to have at least one new outfit. The husband says that no one in California or wherever has seen my old stuff so why do I need new stuff.  Well, you and I know.  Men, (at least my man), don't get it and it is one of those things if you have to try to explain then you know you are in trouble.  Some things just can't be explained or understood.
So I throw all the clothes in the suitcase and I mean that very literally.  I start out trying to fold things. (I really do, "perfect-packer" sister.)  Then it starts getting tight.  So that is when the wadding starts.  Do you know how much you can stick in little edges of the bag if you kinda wad things up? 

Of course, there are none of "perfect-packer sister's" cleaner's bags covering any perfectly pressed 100% cotton slacks or the already ironed t-shirts folded with precision.  "It will keep all the outfits ready to wear as they come out of the suitcase--no wrinkles.  It saves time and frustration.  It doesn't really take any extra time because they come out of the drawer/closet like that."  (That was her talking!)

I know! I know! I really do and I definitely wish I could be like that.  She is always so perfectly dressed.  So why don't I pack that way?  That, I just don't know!  I guess I didn't get that gene.  But I must say other sister and I clean up very well.  It may just take us a little longer by having to iron first.  Uh-oh, better find the travel iron!

Okay, so my cute red and white polka-dot carry-on bag with wheels is crammed full, but I even haven't started on the shoes.  Who could possibly get by with one pair of shoes?   Plus, I don't want to look like a tourist.  So back to the closet. 

After a thorough examination, I make my final decisions about the shoes.  I have narrowed it down to this:  Wear the one new pair. (Okay, I confess. I got one new pair of shoes for the trip; well, actually two--if you count the flip flops).  Pack the other two.  The process of elimination was difficult, but I believe I have made good decisions.
I do not want to check my bag (it is so cute) and pay all that extra money so all of the above is in the carry-on.  (See why I couldn't spare the room for the plastic cleaner bags??)

The make-up, the phone, the Kindle, the wallet, the brush, the toothbrush, the mirror, aspirin, band-aids (for the new shoes), deodorant, the flat iron, the skin care products, maybe a visor, and definitely the sunglasses and a little purse will go in the tote bag. 

There, all packed.  Just two carry-ons and no extra charges. 

It's going to be fun!
