My parents came from a long line of driven, hard working, accomplish-something-each-day kind of folks. They were down to earth young parents with only a high school education but with sky-high expectations of their 4 children. And we didn't let them down in that respect. Just a college degree was not the stopping place for this family.
All of this to say, that mom and dad set the example of "get up early, don't waste time, work hard, and accomplish something each day."
I value that now but to be honest when growing up, it wasn't always a pleasure to be awakened on a Saturday morning hearing mom bustle down the hall, cheerily waking us up with, "Wake up! Wake up! Three wagonloads of day have already gone by!" (It may have been only 8:00 in the morning.)
Thus, the title of my blog, "Wagonloads of Day."
It will be about what days are like for life after 60, after a move, after retiring from libraries and preschool work, and after becoming a grandmother for the first time.
And yes, 2 or 3 loads of day have already gone by...
But I have gone to Sonic to get my DDP. (Does that count for an accomplishment?) I love DDP and especially when they are half-priced!
So today I'm focused on the moving part of my days.
Moving is hard. Don't let anyone tell you differently. We moved back to what we call home on March 1. I had one month to get the house packed. For this move we (meaning "me"--my husband was already working here) packed our belongings instead of having movers do it like the last time five years ago. (Not recommended)
But it does make one go through things and try to decide what to get rid of--not my strong suit. When I finally got through of some of the "going through and throwing out," the packing began. I started out oh so organized--printed labels slapped on all 4 sides of the box stating the room it should be moved to and a label on top explaining its contents. I could be organized; I had a month to do this.
HOWEVER, somewhere along the way, I had let too many loads of day go by without getting things done so by the last weekend before the movers came, whatever was in sight at a certain moment went into the same box and every box from then on was labeled with only one label and they all read, "ATTIC."
So today my goal is to attack that "ATTIC." Wish me luck. I better hurry; it's 9:30 and I would guess that is at least 3 loads of day that has already gone by...